סימה להט
כתבות בעיתון הדיפלומטים של ישראל
Celebrating the Italian Republic Day 2015
The Wives of Ambassadors and Diplomats were hosted in "Tapuz" Coffee House
Sarona – from the German Templar settlement … to a center of shopping and entertainment in Tel Aviv
The Baha’i New Year (Nowruz) Annual reception (2015) of the global Baha’i community
Kenya Celebrates Again in Tel Aviv
Japan’s National Day Celebrating Birthday of H.M the Emperor
Constitution Day, and Day of the Armed forces of the Slovak Republic
Israeli company “Castro” - Autumn-Winter Collection 2014-15
116th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of the Philippines
Celebrating The Italian Republic Day 2014
Celebrating "Africa Day" in the Ambassador's Kenya house
Nepal’s National Day was lavishly celebrated in the Dan Panorama Hotel
Celebrating the Czech Republic's National day 2014 in Israel